Our Mission Partners

CMJ Mission Partners

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Common Mission - A Covenant - Mission Agencies of the Church of England

Over the last few years the mission agencies have been growing together within the framework of the Church of England's Partnership for World Mission (PWM). Historically these agencies have been the primary contributors on behalf of the Church of England to the founding and expansion of the world wide Anglican Communion. Such agencies remain a major channel for on-going mission relationships and grassroots initiatives within the Communion. There are growing numbers of public issues and debates where the agencies need to be more visible and where their contribution needs to be heard. This calls for new ways of working together to speak with one voice and take joint action. It includes recognising the significance of the Archbishop of Canterbury's role within the Anglican Communion and new opportunities for closer working between the Archbishop and the agencies.

A Common Vision

  1. We believe in promoting confidence in the the Gospel and understanding of mission that is holistic and evangelistic within the context of the Five Marks of Mission for the Anglican Communion.
  2. We believe that our task in proclaiming the Kingdom of God can only be undertaken in partnership and within the fellowship of the worldwide Church.
  3. We believe the Church is God's instrument for mission and recognise and affirm the voluntary principle as a proven model for mobilising and encouraging effective engagements. 

A Common Commitment

  1. To increase cooperation while acknowledging the richness of our diversities.
  2. To increase mutual support, discussion of common issues and the development of strategic cooperation through regular meetings of the General Secretaries.
  3. To build up contact, regular meetings and working links between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the General Secretaries of the PMW agencies.
  4. To ensure meetings of specialist staff to share concerns, models of good practice and engage in practical partnerships.
  5. To issue agreed public statements, study and promotional material on issues of common concern.
  6. To consult as widely as possible on mission issues in the Anglican Communion and in collaboration with relevant commissions, working parties and networks authorised by the Primates Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council.

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